Friday, February 25, 2011

The Stress Test: Poll Results

Last week I made a poll asking you to tell me how you handle stress. The results are in, and as follows...
4 votes for Eating Chocolate  3 votes for Yelling at Someone Nearby  1 vote for Getting Drunk  4 votes for Going to Be Alone Somewhere.

Obviously some of us handle stress by self medication, or verbal tension release. I have used each of these vices at one point or another...or cope with whatever was going on around me. My newest mechanism was the "go be alone" thing...I never cared to be alone in my life! Until I became a mother that is. From the pregnancy I began my journey to hermitville...population: me! I thought it was a good thing because I had never been able to be alone before, and it probably was good for a while. The problem with hermitville is that you learn how to rely on yourself, to the degree that you don't need anyone else.

I am pretty much designed to need and be needed, but I am not used to it anymore or something. Which led to more stress LOL.... and even depression :(.  But now here I am, being all self-helpy and finding my way back into balance! Yeah I'm a rockstar ROFL...just kidding! I have prayed a lot for peace, balance, unity in my environment...and I think my prayers are being systematically answered right now. It seems to have started when little Con got sick. Crazy, that was one of the more difficult times of my life...and it kick-started one of the most healing seasons for me. Amazing!

Stress is a really big deal, and apparently bad for your health, and something I deal with a lot. I asked my [small] number of readers so we can all know where we stand on the issue. I did some research and here are the most fun facts about stress for your reading pleasure:
  1. More than half of all deaths between the ages of 1 and 65 result from stressful lifestyles.- U.S. Center for Disease Control
  2. Research shows that regular workouts lift depression, banish stress and sharpen the mind. - American Health Magazine
  3. Annually, over $800 million dollars are spent on "anti-anxiety pills". The U.S. accounts for 5% of the world's population and consumes 33% of the pills.-Neurogen
  4. More people visit doctors for anxiety than for colds, and anxiety is now more common than depression. Anxiety is a predisposing factor to major depression and to suicide attempts. All of these facts came from
This Weeks Poll Question is in 2 Parts: 1.)Who manages the $money$ in your house? 2.) How well does the money get managed?

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